
Xylobox is an open-source wavetable synthesizer built on the Axoloti prototyping platform. It was my first foray into electronics hardware and instrument design. It kick-started my interest in electrical engineering as well as sparking some interest in the Axoloti platform.

I documented my development and construction of the project as well as open-sourcing all of the designs and patches for the community to use. In addition to microcontroller programming, I learned a lot about practical electronics construction in the process.

Potentiometers wired together in an enclosure View the gallery →

After announcing the project on the Axoloti community forums, I solicited feedback and made some improvements to the design and documentation, trying to help others become fluent in the software and provide usable prototype objects for the integration of common hardware into the platform.

Comments from Axoloti users:

fantastic. not only a great end result, but its brilliant how you detailed the build too. I think up there as one of the top axoloti projects so far!

that’s beyond impressive!!! this patch is one of the reason i bought my first axoloti

Not only an awesome enclosure, but great demo of the wavetable functions and the actual sound. This is the best video posted thus far demonstrating the axoloti to people who don’t have one yet. There is not even any competition.